Miss You Messages for Ex-Boyfriend Or Ex-Girlfriend

Ex Miss You Messages: Your paths may diverge due to breakups, but your hearts often do not. So, what is it worth fighting for if not your love? So, if you miss your ex or believe your former relationship is worth a second chance, go for it! You may be wondering how to tell your ex that you still love him or her. Don’t worry, because we’ve created some excellent texts and paragraphs to entice your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend back. Send an emotional letter to your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend to quickly win them back!

I Miss You Messages for Ex-Boyfriend

It’s my heart which still beats only for you. I still expect the presence of you beside me. It’s the heart that still misses you a lot! I can never forget you.

I am missing our time together. I miss walking in the rain with you. I miss the hands which always hold me tightly. I miss your love. I miss those days. please come back, my love.

Missing you has become a daily habit. I wish things were different. I wish we didn’t have to break it off the way we did. I wish we could go back and change everything.

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I still feel deep love in my mind, which is only for you. Long days have passed, but still, the feeling of love has taken away my peace. I miss you so much.

Now life seems a burden to me. I am so tired of my life. I am the problem, and the solution to the problem is “You”. So, I need you to get the pace of life. I still love you and miss you so much.

After you have left me, my world has stopped. All the moments I feel you, all the moments I miss your care. My heart is still living in the past; My memories are still with you. I still love you. Please come back.

I miss your voice. I miss your anger; I miss your deep love; I miss your smile; I miss your sweet songs. I miss your care, I miss your domination. I miss you crazily. Please come back.

I tried but could not reach you. I feel lonely all alone. Please become the sleep in my eyes, on this night, my night of sorrow. I badly need you. I miss you a lot.

I couldn’t sleep for a thousand nights. Every night I waited for your night with a text. But alas! There was not a single text from you. I need a sound sleep, and for this, I badly need your “night wish text”.

The non-presence of you in my life gives me special pain. This special pain has made me crazy. I can’t think of a single moment without you. Please come back.

Once, A particular contact number always remains in the first place in the dial list. But, day by day, this number goes behind and now there is no existence of a number in the phone contact list! I just missed the number. I miss you.

I know you no longer belong to me, but my stupid heart is still missing you and the loving relationship we built. I miss you.

I wish I could hold you tight again in my arms; I wish I could feel the warmth of your heart now; I wish I could change the time to make it happen again. Missing you too much.

Realizing that you aren’t in my life anymore, caused me a big heartache. Why don’t you feel the same? I will never forget you!

The moment is going difficult without you. My heart-beats want only you. But you are now someone else’s. My days seem stopped; I need you. I Miss you badly, my love.

I miss you. I miss you a lot. The mind becomes so impatient. I need your touch again. I want to feel you again. I want to hug you again. I need you. Still, I love you a lot. Please come to me.

I Miss You Messages for Ex-Girlfriend

On the doorstep of my heart when you stepped on it, I wrote my life in your name. But now where are you, my sweetheart! I miss you badly.

Baby, day-by-day living gets tough without you. Our broken relationship makes me weak; it makes me suffer. I think I barely overcome my life without you. Missing those days!

The days make me cry when you walk on the road with me, you used to hold my hand and at this moment I filled that I am the most powerful person in the world. I want to go back to those days. miss you badly.

My days and nights aren’t the same without you and your love. Here I am broken into pieces and life seems stopped since that day you left me. Missing you always!

After breaking up, I always try to make myself that, My love and care are only for me. But, at the next moment, I feel that still, I love you even more than my own. I miss you so much.

It seems to me that I should have learned to stop loving you. But I really failed to do this. Day by day my love for you crosses all the boundaries. I miss you badly. please come back.

Now I come to know that I have no existence without you! Still, I am living with you. Life has stopped. I can’t think of anything without you. I still love you badly. I miss you, baby.

You were the best thing that ever happened to me. You are still living inside me. Days are not going; time is stopped. I miss you so much. I still love you so much.

It’s the rain again; it makes me feel you a lot again. Make me remember those memories again. I am feeling you… feeling you inside my heart. I miss you so much, my angel.

I promised you that I would not call you again. Many days have passed; I still keep my promise. But, I couldn’t refrain from missing you. I missed you every day, every moment. And still, I love you a lot. If it is possible please come back.

It’s 2.30 am, midnight! I am still awake with the moments I had passed with you. Those memories make me cry. I am missing you a lot; please come back to my life again.

I know; you are my ex now. I should forget you. But I can’t do this! I don’t know why! But I can’t hate you. It seems that my love for you is increasing day by day. I miss you.

Though we can’t fix our broken relationship again into right. But, your memories are still here in my heart. Still, they are so bright. Without you, part of my heart would have gone dead.

There was a time when you were mine. And now I can’t spend a single moment without you. I am waiting for you, my love. You are my heart. I missed you a lot.

The best days of my life spent with you. I really can’t believe that you are not mine now! Each day seems like a year. I am still missing you a lot.

Emotional Message To Your Ex Boyfriend

Even though we are not together anymore, I will always love you. You will always be the man of my dreams, but it breaks my heart that my dream broke.

There is something that remains a fact in my life: I could fall in love with another man but it will never be the way I had loved you.

Loving you was all I knew to do; it was like breathing to me. Now that you are gone, I don’t know how to live anymore.

I miss you every day. I miss you when I look at the sky when I eat ice cream when our favorite song comes on shuffle. Do you miss me like that too?

My bedroom ceiling has gone annoying listening to me talk about how much I miss you. I wish there was a way I could tell you too.

Even though I know we are not good for each other, I cannot think and cry about all the beautiful possibilities we could have had for a perfect future together.

Even though I know and tell myself that I have moved on from you, there are times I think about you and I realize I will never love the way I loved you, again.

Emotional Message To Your Ex Girlfriend

I know it’s true that we should never ever be together again but I miss you truly and deeply every second of my life since you left.

I wish I could hug you again and feel the warmth of your embrace; it was always the thing that comforted me the best when I was going through hard times.

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I am not in love with you anymore, but I miss you. I miss you every day. It feels like I lost a very precious friend of mine that I wish I could have back.

You took away a very special part of my heart, and now that you are gone, I don’t know how to love another woman again. I need to learn how to love again.

Days passed and I think I am over you but I miss you in every second of the process of getting over you.

We were together for so long that there are things that you know and understand that no one else does in my life, and I sometimes find wanting to talk to you about it.

The more I teach myself to stop loving you, the more I am learning to love myself. So, I want to thank you for walking you, for leaving me.

You were so important to me, that I forgot I should be important to me too. I have decided to love myself again, so I hope you love yourself too.

Message for Ex Boyfriend

You were the light that made my world shine. Without you, I see darkness everywhere. Please be mine again.

Days used to pass like seconds with you; now moments feel like an eternity. I need your love again.

Each of my heartbeats still calls out your name. I miss you every waking minute, love. Can I get you back?

I can’t stand the thought of you not being mine anymore. You’ve always been my man, and in my mind, you still are.

For you, my heart is still an open door; you can come back into it whenever you want; love.

Paragraph to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

I can’t get you out of my head; well, maybe I don’t want to. Because deep down, I’ve always known that you’re the love of my life. I can’t even think of anyone other than you, baby. Let’s give our loved ones more chances.

It’s been days since we broke up, but trust me, darling, there hasn’t been one morning when your face didn’t pop up into my head. I still love you just as much as I did in the beginning. My gut feeling says that you feel the same, don’t you?

Remember how crazy we were about each other, how beautiful our days together were? I still can’t figure out what changed. But one thing I’m sure of is, our love didn’t change a bit. I know we can still fix this, love. Care to give it a try?

Back when we were together, life was so magical! Your presence used to save me from every worldly trouble. Without you, I don’t know how to go on with this life. Please come back to me and make me feel alive again.

You’re the first man who would both make my heart pound and my soul feel safe. I miss you; I miss the warmth of your arms. You may be away from me, but your thoughts never are. How can I win you back, darling?

Message for Ex Girlfriend

Things may have turned rough between us, but I’m still so madly in love with you. I want you to be my princess again.

You were my soul-mate. When we parted, it was like you took my soul with you. Please give me my soulmate back.

When I held your hand for the first time, I knew I didn’t want to leave it at any cost. Our love deserves another chance, darling.

Your absence has made me love you even more than I used to earlier. Let’s give this love another shot, please.

My heart aches and craves your love. You’re the only one who can stop this pain. Come back to me, darling.

Paragraphs to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Ever since I fell for you, I couldn’t imagine living without you. I can’t tell you how hard it is to survive each day. Your beautiful face, your lovely smile, and your shining eyes; I miss all of it. Would you be mine again?

You may not be mine anymore, but I just know that you’re the only girl in this entire world with whom I want to grow old with. You taught me what true love feels like, and I’m ready to fight anything to get your love again. Give me one more chance, please.

I used to start my day with your text and end it by watching your photographs. I still crave the joy of it, love. I want to see your face and hear your voice one more time and make time stop forevermore. Living without you doesn’t seem like living at all.

You’re not my girlfriend anymore, but you’re still the only woman I love; and the woman I never want to stop loving. You’re an addiction I never want to get over. Be mine again, and I will do anything to keep our love intact.

The whole day I wait to hear from you, then I spend sleepless nights thinking of you becoming someone else’s. You were my peace on earth, and it seems as if all my peace has left along with you. Life has become such a hell; please soothe my crazy mind again.

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Love is the world’s most sacred emotion. When you love someone, you base your thoughts, desires, and expectations on him or her. Love is the cornerstone to all happiness and peace. Love has the ability to bring joy into one’s life. However, when you have to go through the painful side of love, such as a breakup, you go through difficult times. Sadness and emotion become a barrier to living a healthy life. If you are in a difficult love circumstance, we hope that these messages can help you rebuild your important connection.

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